What Do Genes Have to Do with It?

If you’ve ever wondered or debated whether nature or nurture is more important, then you have wondered what genes have to do with it. Are the genes we inherited from our parents the driving force that determines not just our physical form, but how our body functions and even how we think and respond emotionally to our world? Or is it the environment we grew up in, the foods we ate, the love we were given that is responsible for who we are? Spoiler alert! It’s both, and you may have far more control over how your genes are expressed than you think.

Way back, when we first started to understand genes, it seemed that the genes we inherited from our parents established our destiny. As technology improved and we were able to sequence genes, we anxiously awaited the results of the Human Genome Project, which mapped the entire human genome. The expectation was that we would finally be able to uncover which pesky genes were responsible for which diseases. What we found was not that clear-cut; we found that nearly all diseases, and especially the ones we associate with aging, like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s disease, and even some cancers, are polygenic, involving many, sometimes even thousands, of genes.1 And we learned that nearly all of these genes can be turned on or off by cues from our environment and diet.

The Basics

Each cell in the body holds 23 pairs of chromosomes, which you inherited from your biological parents. Each chromosome is divided into genes, each of which contains the information to make a specific protein or set of proteins. Genes are comprised of DNA, chains of nucleotides that can be likened to the words for the instructions the genes hold. When a gene uses the information encoded in it to make a protein, we say the gene was expressed. All of the genetic material collectively is called the genome, and the study of the genome is genomics.  

Our genes determine our appearance, of course, but they also coordinate the formation of everything in the body—proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids, and thousands of biochemicals. While some genes are responsible for fixed characteristics, such as our eye or hair color, many genes are not fixed. A gene can be expressed, or not. How or if a gene will be expressed is determined by the diet, environment, stress levels, etc. The study of changes in gene expression in response to the environment is known as epigenetics, and we refer to those changes in the gene expression as epigenetic changes.

Epigenetic changes are not changes in the DNA or genes themselves but changes in how and/or whether the information your genes carry is read and expressed. Most epigenetic changes are temporary, but some can be permanent, and some can even be passed to future generations, or inherited from past generations. We are especially susceptible to epigenetic changes early in life. Our experiences and what we are exposed to in utero and early life may alter our later life in both good and bad ways.2 Modifications of gene expression differ from gene mutations, which are permanent changes to the DNA sequence. We often think of gene mutations as DNA damage from a mutagen like cigarette smoke or radioactive substances that cause a disease.

Even though humans are 99.9% genetically identical, we are all born with variations in specific DNA sequences called polymorphisms (aka, variants). The most common polymorphisms are single-nucleotide polymorphisms or SNPs (pronounced snips). SNPs help explain a range of biological differences in humans—for example, why people have different blood types or why some people can’t tolerate caffeine.3

How Much Do Our Genes Influence Our Disease Risk?

Our genes play an important role in defining our risks to most diseases, but our health also depends on how we influence the expression of our genes throughout the collective experiences of our lives. Rarely is a disease purely genetic or purely environmental; instead, most diseases are a result of the complex interaction between genes and environment. Genes don’t do anything unless they are expressed, so, while your genes may make you more susceptible to a certain disease, how you eat, how you exercise, how you manage your stress, and the chemicals you are exposed to all have a powerful influence over how your genes will be expressed, for better or for worse.    

What If You’ve Got “Bad” Genes?

If you’ve chosen to have genetic testing done, you may know specific polymorphisms that you carry. Even without genetic testing you may suspect certain genetic risks based on your family’s health history (i.e., if something “runs” in the family). This information can be a powerful and motivating tool to take your health seriously and make positive changes that will ensure your best gene expression outcomes. Remember, genetics and epigenetics are complicated, and most diseases, especially degenerative diseases like diabetes and heart disease, are polygenic, involving numerous genes and environmental factors.4 Dr Ben Lynch, polymorphism expert and author of Dirty Genes, recommends cleaning up your diet and lifestyle first to support all your genes rather than getting too fixated on one or two SNPs.5 From there, work with a knowledgeable health practitioner or check out Dr. Lynch’s book to help translate your genetic information into actionable steps. For example, your personal polymorphisms may mean you need more of a specific nutrient or you need to better support your detoxification pathways. 

Treat Your Genes Right

Even if you’ve got no idea what you carry in your genes or if all of your ancestors lived to a ripe old age, free of disease, you still want to treat your genes right to optimize your health now and into the future. In our modern world we are exposed to more chemicals and toxins, as well as higher levels of stress, than our ancestors were, so we ALL need to give special attention to our genes if we want to live long, healthy lives. I know it seems boring and maybe even old fashioned, but the best way to treat your genes is the way nutritionists and health professionals have been nagging us to act for years—eat a good diet, get regular exercise, reduce exposure to toxins, get adequate sleep, and manage stress. 

Feeding your genes right is priority one! The nutrients we get through our diets impact our genes in a variety of ways. First, nutrients are necessary for the actual manufacture and function of DNA. Without the proper nutrients, DNA production is reduced, which leaves us with old, and sometimes damaged, malfunctioning DNA, that will age us faster and increase our risk of some diseases.6 Nutrients also influence how, and which genes will be expressed. Many of the “healthy” dietary interventions you’ve heard of are beneficial because they turn genes on or off in a positive way.7 For instance, the omega-3 fats in fish oils modulating inflammation or the antioxidants in fruits and vegetables having an anti-cancer effect.

There are too many to cover all of them here, but some specific compounds that have been researched to induce beneficial epigenetic changes include the resveratrol in berries and grapes (and yes, wine), sulforaphane in cruciferous vegetables, curcumin in turmeric, catechins in tea, chlorogenic acid in coffee, selenium in Brazil nuts, and lycopene in tomatoes.8 9 A diet that supports optimal DNA health and gene expression is a nutrient-dense one comprised of a wide variety of brightly colored organic fruits and vegetables, quality protein, healthy fats and oils, herbs and spices, and clean water. Unsurprisingly, processed foods, sugar, damaged fats, and toxins in our foods have a negative effect on our gene expression.

You can further support optimal gene expression with some basic supplements. A high-quality multi-vitamin and mineral is a good idea to boost your diet and cover any places where you might be falling short. The B-vitamins in particular are necessary for healthy gene expression and DNA synthesis and repair, so an additional B-complex should also be considered. 

To truly maximize your gene potential, don’t overlook your lifestyle. Increase the things that positively affect our genes, such as exercise and good sleep. Decrease the things that negatively affect them, such as stress, (which includes overexercising). Numerous studies have found that those who regularly practice mind-body activities such as meditation, yoga, tai chi, etc., show beneficial epigenetic changes.10 11 It is also critical to protect your genes from the damaging effects of toxins, especially those that you are in control of and may be inundated with on a daily basis, such as the chemicals in body care and cleaning products or those that you use in your yard or garden. For the chemical exposure you have little to no control over, research has found that a healthy diet and lifestyle actually help protect against the epigenetic changes these toxins produce.12

It is reassuring to know that even as we learn more and more about our genes, the basics of eating a healthy diet and living a healthy lifestyle still hold true. In fact, the more we learn, the more we understand part of what makes these diet and lifestyle basics so beneficial is how they influence gene expression for the better. Knowing more about your personal polymorphisms can be a powerful tool to optimize your health, but the rest of your genes still need the basics. Even without genetic testing, if you pay attention to how food and lifestyle interventions make you feel, you’ll begin to understand what works best for you and be able to tailor your diet and lifestyle to your unique genetic needs. The research is quite clear—how you nurture the genes you were given will determine how they play out in your lifetime. So, nurture the nature you were given to create the best possible version of you!    


  1. Challem, J. (2005). Feed Your Genes Right. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  2. National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. (2010). Early experiences can alter gene expression and affect long-term development. Working Paper No 10. Retrieved March 14, 2023 from https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/early-experiences-can-alter-gene-expression-and-affect-long-term-development/  
  3. Zeisel, S.H. (2020). Precision (personalized) nutrition: understanding metabolic heterogeneity. Annu Rev Food Sci Technol, 11, 71-92. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-food-032519-051736
  4. Challem, J. (2005). Feed Your Genes Right. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  5. Lynch, B. (2018). Dirty Genes. Harper Collins Publishers, Ltd. 
  6. Challem, J. (2005). Feed Your Genes Right. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  7. Alegría-Torres, J. A., Baccarelli, A., & Bollati, V. (2011). Epigenetics and lifestyle. Epigenomics3(3), 267-277. DOI: 10.2217/epi.11.22 Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3752894/
  8. Remely, M., Lovrecic, L., de la Garza, A.L., Migliore, L., Peterlin, B., Milagro, F.I., Martinez, A.J., Haslberger, A.G. (2015). Therapeutic perspectives of epigenetically active nutrients. Br J Pharmacol, 172(11), 2756-2768. doi: 10.1111/bph.12854
  9. Link, A., Balaguer, F., & Goel, A. (2010). Cancer chemoprevention by dietary polyphenols: promising role for epigenetics. Biochemical pharmacology80(12), 1771–1792. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bcp.2010.06.036
  10. Venditti, S., Verdone, L., Reale, A., Vetriani, V., Caserta, M., Zampieri, M. (2020). Molecules of silence: effects of meditation on gene expression and epigenetics. Front Psychol, 11. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01767
  11. Chaix, R., Alvarez-López, M.J., Fagny, M., Lemee, L., Regnault, B., Davidson, R.J., Lutz, A., Kaliman, P. (2017). Epigenetic clock analysis in long-term meditators. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 85, 210-214. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2017.08.016
  12. Hoffman, J.B., Petriello, M.C., Hennig, B. (2017). Impact of nutrition on pollutant toxicity: an update with new insight into epigenetic regulation. Rev Environ Health, 32(1-2), 65-72. doi: 10.1515/reveh-2016-0041