Glad You Asked About Homeopathy

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy (Greek: homeo “similar”, pathos “suffering”) is a holistic form of medicine that is based on the principle “like cures like,” meaning that an illness can be treated by a diluted amount of a substance (i.e., animal, mineral, or plant extract) that in large doses is capable of producing symptoms similar to those being suffered by the patient. A homeopath, or naturopathic physician (ND) who practices homeopathy, will take into account the unique emotional and physical traits of the individual before choosing the appropriate remedy and dose, but individuals can also choose and use remedies on their own for minor conditions like headaches, coughs, etc., based on knowledge of their own situation.

The Origins of Homeopathy

Samuel Christian Hahnemann, born in Germany in 1755, was a medical doctor who saw harm being done in the medical practices of his day (e.g., bloodletting, purging, and the use of massive doses of medicines with terrible side effects). He was an advocate of natural medicine and emphasized the importance of fresh air, sensible eating, and exercise.  Disillusioned by medicine, he gave up his medical practice and began experimenting on himself and other healthy volunteers, exploring what was to become a major tenet of homeopathy—like cures like. He observed that substances that produced certain symptoms in healthy individuals were capable of curing those same symptoms in unwell individuals. To mitigate potential side effects, he also began experimenting with smaller and smaller doses, leading to another major premise of homeopathy—the minimum dose. Eventually he devised potentization, a very particular dilution method used to create homeopathic remedies that enables a therapeutic effect while eliminating potential toxicity. Today homeopathy is used all over the world by millions of people.

How Homeopathic Remedies Are Made

The process for making homeopathic remedies is precise.  The remedies are made from plant, mineral, or animal compounds.  The compound is extracted in an alcohol-and-water mixture that is regularly succussed (vigorously agitated) and serially diluted to produce different potencies.   

Understanding Homeopathic Dilutions and Potencies

Dilution levels on homeopathic remedies are indicated with a letter, which denotes the dilution ratio used, and a number, which shows how many times it has been diluted and succussed. The letter “C" indicates the centesimal scale, a 1:100 dilution ratio, and an “X” indicates the decimal scale, a 1:10 ratio. To produce a 1C potency, 1 drop of mother tincture is added to 99 drops of an alcohol/water mixture and succussed. To produce a 2C potency, 1 drop of the 1C mixture is added to 99 drops of an alcohol/water mixture and succussed. This process is repeated until the desired potency is reached. For the decimal scale the process is the same except 1 drop of the mother tincture is added to 9 drops of the alcohol/water mixture and then succussed to create a 1X, then 1 drop of the 1X is added to 9 drops of alcohol/water mixture and succussed to make 2X, and so on.

You will only find X and C potencies available at your health food store.  Potencies such as LM (1:50,000 dilution ratio) may only be prescribed and dispensed by professionals, such as a homeopath or naturopathic physician, and are not available for over-the-counter use, as these potencies are very strong and should only be used under the supervision of a licensed practitioner.

Boiron, the largest manufacturer of homeopathic products in the world, recommends using lower dilutions, such as 6X and 6C for local symptoms—those you can point at, like a bruise or insect bite. They recommend medium dilutions (12X, 9C or 12C) for more general symptoms that are in more than one location, such as muscle aches. Higher dilutions, such as 30X or 30C can be used for general symptoms in more than one location that also have possible behavioral or emotional symptoms.1

One of the more difficult concepts of homeopathy for some to grasp is that the more dilute the substance, the stronger it is. This is wherein the mystery lies and is what leads to skepticism by many orthodox practitioners and scientists. Yet the popularity of homeopathic remedies remains because they are often very effective when properly applied. 

How Does Homeopathy Work?

There are many theories as to how homeopathy works, but its mechanisms largely remain undiscovered. Homeopathy has always been believed to work by strengthening the body’s own defenses and resilience instead of directly killing microbes or altering pathophysiological processes the way conventional medicines do.2 Now, newer research has found that one possible explanation for homeopathy’s effectiveness might be the fact that nanoparticles of the source material remain in the final product, which is likely due to the succussion. Nanoparticles are extremely small particles that are only detectable with specialized microscopes; they have different properties from their larger counterparts and are frequently used in medicine Although there are only small amounts of these nanoparticles in the final remedy, the body may still be able to detect them and perceive them as a stressor (remember that in large quantities these compounds elicit symptoms). In response to the perceived threat, the body produces a response that cascades and amplifies over time, causing beneficial physiological and biochemical changes.3 (This effect is known as hormesis and is also experienced with exercise, cold exposure, and even as a response to some so-called antioxidants.4)

For maximum efficacy, a homeopathic treatment should be individualized to a patient's physical and psychological symptoms and perhaps to their temperament, body type, and behavioral tendencies. To achieve this degree of matching may require the skills of a professional homeopathic practitioner. If self-treatment fails to produce the desired results, it may be because the treatment was not appropriately individualized.

Using Homeopathic Medicine

Homeopathic remedies are available in health food stores as liquids (tinctures) or as pellets. The pellets are traditionally made by adding the diluted mixture to lactose (milk sugar), but lactose free versions also exist. The potencies found in the health food store are very safe and effective and are generally considered safe for infants and children and pregnant and lactating women (although it is always advisable to check with your midwife or doctor first). Side effects to homeopathic medicine are extremely rare. All homeopathic remedies sold in the US are manufactured by a homeopathic pharmaceutical company following Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and will have the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the US (HPUS) monograph on the package.5

For best results it is generally advised not to handle pellets or tablets much with your hands, but instead to pour the desired number of pellets into the lid of the bottle and then to pour pellets directly under the tongue, where they can be dissolved. Homeopathic remedies should be taken at least 15 minutes away from food and strong flavors (think coffee or minty toothpaste).


  1. Frequently asked questions: Boiron USA. Boiron USA |. (2022, November 2).
  2. Why homeopathy matters to U.S. Healthcare. American Institute of Homeopathy. (2022, December 2).
  3. Bell, I.R. (2012). Homeopathy as systemic adaptational nanomedicine: The nanoparticle-cross-adaptation-sensitization model. American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine, 105(3), 116-130. Retrieved from:
  4. Schirrmacher, V. (2021). Less can be more: the hormesis theory of stress adaptation in the global biosphere and its implications. Biomedicines, 9(3), 293. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines9030293
  5. Fior, T. (2020, July 16). Why homeopathy is safe for you and your family. National University of Health Sciences website. Retrieved on August 25, 2023 from