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Natural Grocers Nutrition Education classes are back! You do not want to miss this opportunity to hear experts speak. Please see our list of presentations below.
Guest presenters do not necessarily represent the views of Natural Grocers
In the 1930’s Dr. Price, toured the world to understand why some people had great or poor teeth. He discovered it was all about getting the right vitamins and minerals in a person’s diet through great nutrition. These included grass-fed dairy, meats, game, and wild seafood, and good quality animal fats, too. This brought long-term health and vitality to people through out old age.
The metabolic approach to cancer is a naturopathic nutrition program that utilizes the medicinal powers of traditional foods, therapeutic diets, and nontoxic lifestyle approaches to cancer.
Dr. Audrey Ross, PhD. and National Educator will be reviewing the best options to help you achieve gorgeous hair.
Join us and the President of MacroLife Naturals, JR Ortiz to hear how to GO BEYOND VITAMINS by adding nutrient rich superfoods to your diet. In this edition, we will learn how to live a MacroLife by fueling your body with Superfoods and understanding how the pH can affect your health.
Martha Madrid, RN, MEd, BC-ADM and Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor will provide detailed recommendations and Scientifically proven tools to help support healthy mental health.
Join us and Barbara Swanson, Nutrition Consultant and Author, to learn how Genetically Engineered (GE) foods are made. Discover the broader issues involved in GMO production, and the science and safety of eating GE foods.
Dr Valerie will explain what Emotion Codes, Heart Walls, Balance by Numbers and Advanced Cell Training are and how they can help make a difference in your life. Give you some coping skills to deal with this roller coaster world that we live in.
Women often experience health challenges throughout the Cycles of Life. Let’s explore diet, nutrients and botanicals that may be helpful to gently and safely support hormones and health balance for women of every age, throughout the Cycles of Life.
Beverages are an easy way to achieve health. The holistic systems of yoga & Ayurveda routinely use drinks, teas, and tonics as simple sources of nutrition. Whether it's a nourishing, cleansing, cooling, or warming effect you're looking for, there's power in your pantry. Join local Ayurvedic health expert, Kris Quinones, to learn more about seasonal rhythms and routines for inflammation - while mixing a few healing mocktails to boot.
Learn to cook a free range organic whole chicken in a Dutch oven with seasonings and oven baked organic zucchini, as well as a tossed green salad with cherry tomatoes and quick homemade olive oil vinaigrette. This is full of nutrition and nurturing to health.
Love Mexican food? It's always super tasty and satisfying. It is not always super - healthy. But It can be with the 5 Recipe Reform Tricks shared by Mary Collette Rogers. Learn how to quickly and deliciously transform basic beef tacos into Spinach and Sweet Potato Soft-Shell Tacos that you can enjoy guilt-free. Apply these timeless Reform Tricks to all your old favorites and you can "Have your Comfort Foods and Eat Them Too!" Vegan/Meat Options Recipe.
In this talk you’ll learn how the microorganisms in your gut impact your mood, thoughts, and even your behavior and choices on a day-to-day basis! Gain key takeaways you can implement today to improve mental health.
Come learn how to create a BEautiful, comforting, and delicious Whole30 meal with Just BE Kitchen, the only restaurant in Colorado that is Whole30 approved! They’re going to show you the art of making an Italian meal that’s 100% W30 compliant and won’t take you long at all!
Why do we sometimes see a dull reflection in the mirror? Learn what the stresses of the holiday’s can do to our skin and the importance of the selecting the right collagen and ceramides to see your best results. Dr. Ross discusses what options are there for skin health for the vegan and vegetarian, who don’t want animal collage and how to protect your skin from the inside out.
Easy dinner for gut health - learn how to make an easy yet delicious dinner that nourishes gut health and helps support digestion.
Learn how to make plant-based cheese from nuts and how to use it in certain dishes such as soups, salads and pastas. We will also go over the nutrition value of each ingredient.
Learn how to make this quick, wholesome and healthy Vegan Alfredo Pizza with Michele Swaczyna, Certified Holistic Nutritionist. Snag the recipe below!
You've worked hard for your health. You want to maintain what you've accomplished. The holidays are challenging! What you need is a framework for staying on track :) "Navigating the Holidays" is all about giving you the tools you need to maintain your success and stay on track! We'll discuss strategies for maintaining your health habits, traveling, ordering at restaurants, eating on the road, and so much more
Most people have heard the saying "you are what you eat". But truth is, if you're digestive function is poor, you are probably causing more harm than good - no matter how great the quality of food is. In this presentation, I'm going to explain why "you are what you digest and absorb" and how to improve your digestive function.
Do you want to think more clearly, focus better and keep your mind active? Join us and learn how nutrients can affect your brain, positively and negatively, and how they do so. You’ll learn some of the specific micronutrients that directly impact brain function—and the foods they are found in.
No doubt you have plenty of good intentions to eat well. But does it often seem too hard to cook decent meals? Discover how to find convenient but healthy building block foods and quickly assemble them into great-tasting meals, with barely any "cooking!" with Healthy Kitchen Companion Mary Collette shows you how. Watch as she demonstrates Quick Caribbean Skillet and see how you can easily get wholesome meals on the table and make your healthy eating dreams come true.
We go over the plant-based pantry staples (a show and tell), including their nutrition info and how we incorporate them into every day recipes, weaving in some 'light touch' facts about the benefits of plant-based eating. We'd also include photos of where people can purchase the items at Natural Grocers!
Examine some of the digestive challenges (and causes) we experience during the holidays such as gas and bloating, heartburn, constipation/diarrhea and stomach upset. Learn how to know what products to select for each symptom and how to prevent some of these challenges.
We all have heard the importance of buying organic and making other food quality choices. But WHY is this so important? Learn how the quality of food impacts your body composition, performance, and overall health. Choosing better quality increases nutritional value, decreases toxic load, and supports a more sustainable food system.
Come learn how to cook 100% Vegan & Gluten-Free "Crab" Cakes & Dill Sauce with Cherice Love, a self-taught, passionate Vegan/GF Chef, Coach, & Blogger! Made from Heart of Palm, these are super easy to make, are insanely delicious, & are a HIT with everyone, vegan or not! BONUS: Cherice will also show you how you can use them for other "crab" dishes too!
In this class, nutritionist and author Karlene Karst shows us how to practically apply the science of gut health to our daily lives through the use of fermented foods. She takes us through how to feed, nurture, and love your gut and how it’s all related to the mighty microbiome.
There is a silent epidemic of women who are stressed, overwhelmed and exhausted. All that stress is damaging their mental, emotional, and physical health. But what if it doesn't have to be that way? What if it's actually possible for women to enjoy abundant energy, great moods, and confidence in their bodies? Join me and learn some of my favorite tools for living a life that's healthy, lively, happy, and whole!
Everyone is tired and stressed out! Join Sarah Outlaw, Clinical Nutritionist & Herbalist at Natural Health Improvement Centers of South Jersey & Des Moines as we unravel the adrenal glands as the root cause of stress and fatigue and how to handle it naturally.
A simple four step program including support for mind, body& spirit based on loving kindness to yourself. Learn to listen more deeply to your body and to navigate stress more effectively. Grace will introduce Grace's Goodness Organic Broths and their usage for supporting health, wellness & beyond!
Why is it so important to consume organic, grass-fed dairy products? We have to start at the foundation of all dairy products- the farmers. We’ll explore why our farmers are committed to grass feed their pasture-grazed cows. Their commitment to never use antibiotics or chemicals. We’ll also discuss how we minimally process dairy products in order to retain the natural enzymes and probiotics. Lastly, we’ll consider the health benefits of grass-fed dairy along with how probiotics assist in digestion.
Presented by Liza Boone, PhD, Solgar National Educator, PhD
New normal is a term we are all familiar with and it means something different to everyone, but there are some common issues that we share. This discussion will be on the many ways we can support our overall health by boosting our immune system, relieving stress, improving our sleep, and engaging in a healthy routine with the help of Solgar®.
Mary Collette Rogers, Healthy Kitchen Companion & Founder of the New Kitchen
Wondering how to take advantage of summer’s bountiful supply of zucchini? Veteran cooking Instructor Mary Collette Rogers will make Curried Zucchini Soup, a quick and healthy way to use up summer squash without heating up the kitchen. You’ll also learn about her versatile “Soup System® so you can get creative and make soup lots of different ways. Have fun with summer squash.
Sarah Outlaw, MH, MSACN Functional Nutritionist & Clinical Herbalist
Join Functional Nutritionist and Herbalist Sarah Outlaw, MH, MSACN as we navigate through Thyroid Health - Symptoms, Root Causes of Dysfunction, and Natural Help.
Michele Swaczyna, Certified Holistic Nutritionist
Learn how to make this quick homemade yet wholesome and healthy Vegan Alfredo Pizza. A perfect treat for vegans and non vegans alike.
Barbara Swanson, Nutrition Consultant and Author
There is a ton of information about 'detox and cleansing'. A lot of it isn't true or even safe to try. Learn what detox really means for a healthy life, and easy ways to support it.
Neil Levin, CCN, DANLA (NOW Foods), Senior Nutrition Education Manager, Product Formulator for NOW Foods
The safe and appropriate use of Essential Oils is an important concern for many people, who ask what determines their quality and how to use them properly. This class will focus on the important factors that should be considered when selecting Essential Oils and deciding how to use them. We will discuss how oils are processed, industry-wide quality standards and grades, what makes some EOs food grade, how much concern we should have for potential pesticide residues, how much is typically used to diffuse or to scent products, and what’s known regarding their safety around children and pets. Join us to learn how to navigate the often-conflicting claims about Essential Oils’ quality and uses.
Stress is a constant presence in modern life; but people don't realize how much it influences health. In his workshop, Dr. Hall defines stress in 3 categories: physical, chemical and emotional. He demonstrates how stress affects us on every level, creating chronic conditions. Through his 3 Secrets, Dr. Hall shows how to combat everyday stress with simple techniques in order to live healthy, productive lives.
Dr Kevin and Coach Sean discuss Fad Diets. They will define "What is a Fad Diet" They will discuss the many problems and issues with these types of diets. They will also bring to your attention "What to look out for" when choosing these types of diets. This is a great informative video and a much watch for anyone considering a "Diet" for weight loss
Our digestive systems are very flexible and adaptive. We can eat a lot of different things, as evidenced in what we see all around us! But the question is - what optimal for us to consume? Using Nutritional Vitality, a concept we created in the SHT, we now know how to answer this question!
Presented by Dr. Audrey Ross, PhD
Dr. Audrey Ross, PhD discusses what functions B Vitamins have in the body. Learn about the foods that are high in B’s, when and why it is important to consider adding B vitamin supplements and what to look for when choosing a B vitamin whether a B-complex or individual B.
Presented by Juliet Welsh, CHC, Certified Health Coach
Learn what your cravings are telling you and how to kick the sugar habit. We will explore the 3 main challenges that most people have when they go to kick the habit once and for all
In this virtual presentation, Jaime Rotner will provide you with one of the major reasons many busy adults feel depleted and robbed of energy that you can implement right away! Don't miss it!
Feel trapped by a sincere desire to make meals both healthy and good tasting--especially on a limited time, money and energy budget. The Skillet Method® is the solution you need! See how this almost magical formula works as Healthy Kitchen Companion Mary Collette Rogers makes Asian Hamburger Skillet (with vegetarian option.) Learn how to jazz up inexpensive vegetables with Thai flavors and fun cutting techniques to make a surprisingly flavorful dish that's perfect even on busy week.
It's not unusual to experience back pain at some point in life. This past year of working from home, having fewer activities to keep us moving, and the increased stresses of the year have all changed how our bodies feel and react. Join Dr. Alyssa Arms as she shares easy ways to manage or even prevent back pain, even at home.
This presentation begins with a brief explanation of Functional Health and the importance of your microbiome. Then we’ll get right into simple daily diet and lifestyle hacks you can use to reboot your gut health.
Learn how to support local businesses every season through CSAs, Farmers' Markets, U-Pick Farms, and more. Learn how to make your very own beeswax wraps, a sustainable alternative to plastic wrap.
From Ancient Animals, A Healthier Milk Buf Creamery: Colombia, South America
Join Bethany Davis and Erin Stokes, ND as for this interactive discussion on regenerative agriculture. Learn the specifics of how soil health connects to your food and supplements.
The Keto Reset Diet is designed to help people reach their ultimate genetic potential through metabolic flexibility. This sensible approach to keto emphasizes delicious, nutrient-dense foods and personal experimentation to find the version of keto that works for each individual. Discover what it means to be metabolically flexible and why it's a goal we should all strive to attain.
We’re all guilty of saying “It’s no big deal - I’m just a little stressed.” But stress IS a big deal, and it could be affecting your life in ways you aren’t even aware of. In this lecture, you will learn 5 ways chronic stress shows up and how you can get your health back on track.
Several ways to get back that restorative sleep. So, you don't wake up feeling like a truck has hit you!
Several ways to get back that restorative sleep. So, you don't wake up feeling like a truck has hit you!
Symptoms are not normal. Each symptom means there is something going on in the body causing that symptom. Join Sarah Outlaw, MH, MSACN as she dives into what the root causes of symptoms really are and how to handle them with nutrition.
Skincare includes more than what you wash your face with or what kind of fancy creams you use. Skincare also includes your food choices, and what you eat is reflected by the condition of your skin. We all want to put our best face forward, so in this class you will discover what the skin does and what it needs to work better, what foods and supplements will give you beautiful, glowing skin, how digestion, sleep and stress impact the skin, your next steps to healthier, younger looking skin.
Environmental news can be dispiriting. Behind the headlines, however, people are restoring landscapes—including in some of the most challenging parts of the world. The key is to work with natural ecological processes, since nature strives toward greater complexity and function. Here Judith shares stories of ecosystem repair that she’s found in her reporting and highlights lessons that can be applies in our own homes and communities.
A holistic approach to take your health to the next level: Nutrition, Brain Health, Weight, Sleep and Stress are just a few of the topics covered as we dive in to discover the power of the human body and the energy created when wholeness is the goal!
Your immune system is the most dynamic and complex system in your body; where conventional medicine has yet to even scratch the surface of it. This system can either be enhanced or depleted by multiple factors including organ system function, environmental factors, social interactions, and mental/emotional health. In this thirty-minute presentation, Dr. Harrison will explain what is required to enhance your immune function and how to do it. Topics discussed in this presentation include: Correcting leaky gut syndrome, sleep pattern improvement, managing autoimmune disorders, enhancing energy for immune function and overcoming immune "Distractions"
Learn the nitty gritty details and how to navigate obstacles along your keto journey. We will discuss the top three keto hacks, as well as ideas for eating out and traveling.
Take a deep dive into ketogenic eating and learn all the tips and tricks for keto success. We’ll cover the basics including keto meal plans, key food groups, and macronutrient ratios so you can do it butter with keto!
It’s not just a diet, it’s a way of life! Delve into the importance of exercise, sleep, stress management, and SMART goals to launch into keto success.
Eating a ketogenic diet may be one of the greatest nutritional breakthroughs of our time. Going keto is all the rage, but the diet is laden with conflicting ideas, disastrous oversimplification, and misinformation. We’ll dive into this trend and start off by retraining our metabolism to use fat for energy, feel great, and support a healthy weight.
Presented by Dr. Christopher Grier, DC and Elanie Welch, MS Human Nutrition Bright Future Chiropractic
The workshop is focused on removing issues and habits that interfere with quality sleep. We will share tips and tricks to help viewers discover the habits necessary to optimize the universal thing that is necessary for success: Sleep! The objectives of the class are that viewers:
Encouraging a strong yet balanced immune system is trickier than previously thought. It is crucial that we know how the immune system works so that we can support immunity for health and longevity. Review the basics of immunity, how it becomes active, as well as how it resolves. We will also look at recent scientific research which indicates that using both the mushroom mycelium and its fermented growth medium (substrate) can support optimal immune functioning.
Support winter wellness with mushroom mycelium to ensure your immune response functions within the Goldilocks Zone…not too much, not too little, but just right.
The Holidays can be stressful, but this year, stress doesn't have to get the best of you! In this workshop, we will talk about the 3 pillars of stress - physical, chemical, and emotional, and what an individual can do to be their healthiest self through the Holiday Season.
Come join our virtual learning series as we explore how different forms of calcium affect how well you can use this essential mineral. Please join Carina Toledo from New Chapter to discuss the importance of bone health, the role of calcium, and some surprising risks of supplementation.
Do you listen to your hunger?. Do you know that hunger has a lot to say to you and your body? Learn how to listen and identify the most common types of hunger and how to answer it at the right moment, with the right answer. This seminar will detail and explain these types of hunger, and what they reveal about you.
Do you listen to your hunger?. Do you know that hunger has a lot to say to you and your body? Learn how to listen and identify the most common types of hunger and how to answer it at the right moment, with the right answer. This seminar will detail and explain these types of hunger, and what they reveal about you.
The world is in flux right now and you need to be on the top of your game for the winter season. This short presentation will provide tips and tools, with simple nutritional and lifestyle hacks, to keep yourself as healthy as possible.
Four ways your can incorporate nutrient density in your diet to eat like a "nutrivore." Applying a nutrient- dense approach to healing often accelerates and expands the healing process. You won’t want to miss this overview of how to implement a nutrient-dense approach to the Autoimmune Protocol.
Did you know that the strength of your immune system depends on the health of your gut? Learn about the connection between your immune and digestive systems and discover simple and effective strategies to boost your immunity by enhancing your digestion.
Establish the foundations of immune health while understanding the connection between one’s lifestyle choices and their immune system responses.
Confused about how to eat? The pioneering studies of Dr. Weston Price provide answers to the principles of nourishing traditional diets. Learn about the importance of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D and K2, and consuming pastured animal products. Other topics include proper preparation of grains, the health benefits of bone broth and lacto-fermented foods, and the importance of dietary salt.
Discover practical tips to save money on grocery bills and learn why reducing food waste helps combat global warming, along with a host of other environmental and economic implications.
Socially, economically and in ways we don't yet realize, our world has been brought to its knees by one of the smallest threats known to humans: a virus. Viruses have always had the ability to bypass our normal immune responses. Yet your body was created to co-exist in a world filled with viruses, microbes and bacteria!
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