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We believe that sustainably certified, wild caught prioritizes. It prioritizes flavor—the savory nuance of its origins. It prioritizes the sustainability of our waterways and their ecosystems. We prioritize the details, saying NO to overfishing and vanishing species and YES to traceability. Our farmed seafood is organic, and the salmon is always non-GMO. We choose producers who protect marine life and habitats for future generations because prioritizing our planet is the way we do food.
We have put together a ranking system for our fresh and frozen fish and seafood selections that will help you find the quality you are looking for. We’ve made it really simple—we don’t stock any fish or seafood that is not certified sustainable. The health of our oceans and fresh-water ecosystems depends on it. In this category, our minimum standard is Silver because these important ecosystems need us to step up our game. We partner with fishermen and women, and organic seafood farmers, who protect our waterways and preserve habitats for future generations. When the health of all living things is the foundation for our fishing and sea-farming practices, we promote economic viability and environmental harmony. We can create a healthier future by what we choose to put on our plates. Prioritizing our planet is the way we do food.
Gold |
No over-fishing a specific species (biomass is appropriate and sustainable) |
Y |
Limited by-catch |
Y |
Limited negative impact on marine life (plant and animal) |
Y |
Superior catch methods appropriate to the species (e.g. pole and line caught for tuna) |
Y |
Plant life and bodies of water are protected and preserved |
Y |
Third-party sustainability certifications3 |
Y |
Gold |
Transparently sourced/labeled |
Y |
Chain of custody is documented (traceability of the fishery) |
Y |
Species are labeled with an approved “Acceptable Market Name,” “Common Name,” or “Scientific Name” (per the FDA Seafood List) |
Y |
Third-party sustainability certifications (e.g. ASC, MSC, Dolphin Safe, and Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch (Best Choice and Good Alternative) |
Y |
Gold |
Humane handling and slaughter requirement |
Y |
Gold |
No sodium tripolyphosphate |
Y |
Silver |
Farming practices that treat animals with care and respect where animal welfare is given top priority |
Y |
No over-stocking |
Y |
Humane handling and slaughter requirement |
Y |
No overfeeding allowed |
Y |
Silver |
Organic feed4 |
Y |
Certified organic farming methods |
Y |
No land animal by-products5 |
Y |
Silver |
No antibiotics |
Y |
No growth hormones or other substances to promote weight |
Y |
No synthetic colorants |
Y |
No ethoxyquin |
Y |
Third-party mercury testing, as appropriate for specific higher-risk species |
Y |
Holistic medical treatment preferred if needed. Fish treated with drugs will be removed from production. (Parasites/diseases are monitored, limited, and treated appropriately) |
Y |
Water quality is maintained at all times and must be free from chemical contamination, pesticides, and drugs |
Y |
No genetically modified or cloned species |
Y |
Plant life and bodies of water are protected and preserved |
Y |
Silver |
Transparently sourced/labeled |
Y |
Chain of custody is documented (traceability of the fishery) |
Y |
Species are labeled with an approved “Acceptable Market Name,” “Common Name,” or “Scientific Name” (per the FDA Seafood List) |
Y |
Silver |
No sodium tripolyphosphate |
Y |
1These standards apply to fresh and frozen products only
2Wild-caught fish and seafood, due to it being caught in the wild are naturally not given antibiotics, synthetic colorants, growth hormones or other drugs. Additionally, since they are wild species, they are non-GMO and not cloned.
3All our fish and seafood are certified by one or more of the following certification agencies: MSC Certified (Marine Stewardship Council), ASC Certified (Aquaculture Stewardship Council), RFM (Responsible Fisheries Management), BAP Certified (Best Aquaculture Practices Certified, GAA (Global Aquaculture Alliance), Certified Organic (only applicable to our farmed organic shrimp, as wild-caught can’t be certified as organic), and Dolphin Safe. We will also accept certifications from the following agencies: SSC (Sustainable Seafood Certification, SCS Global Services), Naturland, RSPCA Assured (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), Friend of the Sea, Canadian Organic Aquaculture, EU Organic, Food Alliance Certified, BRC/SMETA
4Organic feed is naturally non-GMO
5Farmed fish and seafood are not fed a vegetarian diet as most species are natural scavengers and/or carnivores, however, we do not allow land-animal by-products in farmed fish or seafood feed
6Drugs and synthetic colorants used in aquaculture not only negatively impact animal health and wellbeing, but they also have a negative impact on the environment
SPECIES: cod, herring, mahi-mahi, pollock, rockfish, salmon, scallops, shrimp, sole, and tuna
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