For The Love of Organics: Tomatoes

For the Love of Organics: Tomatoes

Now that you’ve solved my identity, allow me to toot my own horn. You’ve probably heard of lycopene, but did you know that it’s the reason tomatoes can talk like I’m talking to you right now? In all seriousness though, lycopene is a leader of the pack when it comes to antioxidants and yours truly is the best dietary source of it. You can call it the “quencher” for its efficiency at subduing singlet oxygen. What’s that you say? It’s a reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can be generated by environmental factors like UV exposure, and has been known to damage our DNA. Not something we want to run around unchecked. Back to the horn tooting, tomatoes contain several phytochemicals that seem to help lycopene do its job better than it does by itself - we call that synergy!

There are so many ways to enjoy a tomato, which is great news because of preparation matters to nutrient content. Eaten raw you have a low-calorie yum, with a side of vitamin C and potassium.

Lycopene, on the other hand, becomes more available after heating and when paired with a healthy fat. Did we hear homemade pasta sauce and olive oil for dinner? Just make sure if you use canned tomatoes, that they’re organic, as well as BPA and junk free which all Natural Grocers brand canned tomatoes are!

Speaking of organic, we’re sure you’ve heard of the “Dirty Dozen?” In case you haven’t, it’s an annual list the Environmental Working Group (EWG) puts out, ranking conventional produce with the highest pesticide residues. Tomatoes landed the number nine spot on the list for 2018 and have placed in the Dirty Dozen multiple times.

Thing is, studies have shown organic tomatoes may also have higher antioxidant content and more vitamin C. Why would you ever go “dirty” again?

Pesticide residues found by USDA testing include suspected hormone disruptors, neurotoxins, developmental and reproductive toxins, and pesticides known to be toxic to honeybees. Ditch the chemicals and get more nutrition with organic! You see, studies have shown that organic tomatoes have higher antioxidant content and more vitamin C compared to conventional. Why would you ever go “dirty” again?

References available upon request