An Organic Story

“Tell me the facts and I’ll learn. Tell me the truth and I’ll believe. But tell me a story and it will live in heart forever.”

- Native American Proverb

“The soil is the great connector of lives, the source and destination of all. It is the healer and restorer and resurrector, by which disease passes into health, age into youth, death into life. Without proper care for it we can have no community, because without proper care for it we can have no life."

- Wendell Berry, “The Unsettling of America: Culture & Agriculture”

As September carries us towards shorter days and crisper nights, we think it’s the perfect time to fill our afternoons with stories of something we’re passionate about. It’s organic month, and the story of organic calls to us everywhere we turn.

It’s a story that smells like fresh earth, and if you listen closely you can hear it whispering from the depths of healthy soil. It talks of the world beneath harvest fields; a world alive with nutrients and organisms and superhero-like abilities to retain water and trapping carbon.

It’s a story that can be seen dancing across the refl ective surface of a quiet mountain lake. It reminds you of the way that water should be, and it promises to treat it as the priceless and limited resource that it is.

It’s a story you can hear in the birdsong at early morning light, and in the chatter of woodland creatures at dusk, because it’s a story of harmony and diversity and time. It’s a story about nourishing the incredible balance that the environment was born with, of preserving bio-diversity and allowing nature’s predators to help take care of nature’s pests.

You can taste the story in the vibrant flavor of organic veggies and fruits, eggs and meat. It’s a flavor that comes from nutrient dense soil, pasture grasses, sunshine and happy animals, a flavor that can’t be artificially replicated.

The story of organic can be felt in the calm of knowing that your children’s food isn’t going to burden their bodies with toxic pesticide residues . It’s the feeling of accomplishment when you’re positive the meal your family has gathered around is free of GMO’s, artificial colors or flavors, and that it wasn’t treated to irradiation or sewage sludge.

Every great story is marked by choices, and the story of organic is defined by them. It’s a story of choosing to recognize the impact today has on tomorrow. It’s a story of choosing transparency. It’s a choice for value over short-term and shortsighted gains. It’s a choice that supports the health of humans, animals, the environment and a robust economy for generations to come.

If this sounds a bit like a love story - it is. Our family loves the guiding principles of organics, the authenticity it guarantees and the possibilities it offers for penning the narrative of a regenerative future. We look forward to celebrating the story of organic with all our friends and neighbors throughout the month of September. The next chapter is up to us to write, let’s make the choice to plot it out together.

The Isely Family

Natural Grocers Founding Principles