Customer Service FAQ

The quickest way to find out about product availability at a store is to call them directly. You can find your store’s contact information on our website here: Natural Grocers Store Directory

Your local Natural Grocers store is the best point of contact for this type of request. Please contact your local store and ask about the option of a Special Order Request.  

We have delivery through Instacart for about 98% of our stores. See the Store Details for your local store to determine if the service is offered at that location by clicking here: Natural Grocers Store Directory

If you’ve placed an order through Instacart and have questions or concerns, visit Instacart’s Help Center here: Instacart Help Center

You can find your store’s hours and address on our website here: Natural Grocers Store Directory

You can review our return policy on our website here: Natural Grocers Return and Refund Policies

The most common questions we get about our return policy are:

  1. I purchased a product at a different Natural Grocers than the one where I typically shop.  Can I return the product to my local store? Yes, you can return the product to a store other than the one where you purchased it. We require a receipt for all returns and exchanges and the purchase must have been made in the last 30 days.

  2. I want to return a product I purchased but I don’t have the receipt. Will you accept the return? A receipt is required for all returns.

You can find information about all of our NHC services on our website here: Natural Grocers – Nutritional Health Coaches