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368 S Broadway
Denver, CO 80209
United States
Move over soy sauce—Natural Grocers Brand Coconut Aminos is here! This slightly sweet, slightly salty, very umami concoction is more than a tasty condiment. It’s a “secret” ingredient for elevating flavor in everything from marinades to salad dressings to pretty much any savory dish.
Certified Organic and naturally Non-GMO, it’s also Vegan, Gluten Free, and of course—Soy Free! Our producing partner invests in
their community, including training farmers in best organic practices, establishing a composting facility, and providing school supplies to area students.
So you see—Natural Grocers Brand Coconut Aminos isn’t just a condiment; it’s a force for good practices where it comes from and for good flavor where it’s going—your kitchen!
Once upon a time in your life you should meet—a vivacious cat whose culinary tricks are pretty neat. First, however, we must not forget to say, this cat isn’t domesticated in any way. In case you were wondering, she’s also not a liger but rather a decidedly loquacious tiger.
Now back to the point of our story we go, because Tara the Tiger has a secret you should know.
She’s the face of our favorite under-cover ingredient, a condiment that makes flavor exceptionally expedient. This treasure is called Natural Grocers Brand Coconut Aminos, and it’s the kind of savory with which almost everything goes. Not only is it organic, which is kinder to the planet—it’s also low-glycemic and gluten-free, which can be kinder to you and me. So move on over soy sauce—these Coconut Aminos are the new flavor boss, and be sure to give Tara the Tiger a shout—she has delicious tricks to talk about!
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