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368 S Broadway
Denver, CO 80209
United States
Sweeten your life, the way we’ve sweetened our house brand—with Natural Grocers Brand Clover Honey! It’s gathered from the finest hives around the U.S. and never imported.
We chose raw and unfiltered honey so that you won’t miss out on the treasure trove of nutrients it contains. Packed with enzymes, antioxidants, and minerals undamaged by heated processing—each spoonful boasts Grade A quality and purity. With sizes to fit every table—Natural Grocers Brand Clover Honey is a better way to sweeten!
There’s no place Bessie the Bear would rather be than the Rocky Mountains. Ever since she was a wee cub, she’s loved everything about her majestic home. The only thing she’s fonder of is Natural Grocers Brand Raw and Unfiltered Clover Honey. She discovered it one day while peeking in the windows of an empty cabin. On the counter sat a golden jar of honey. It wasn’t right to leave it by itself, so she wiggled her paw through the window and took the lonely jar home. As soon as she tasted its raw, unfiltered goodness, she knew she had to share it. Now, she’s taking a break from her mountain paradise to spread the sweetness of our honey all around, but she never forgets where home is. Like Bessie says, “What’s sweeter than honey? Honey at home.”
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